RoCan and its respective officers, employees and agents have no liability for any losses or damages of any kind for any costs or losses that you may incur, directly or indirectly from using this Website or any links to other sites.
The website does not provide a comprehensive breakdown and only provides general information. This also applies to any links to other sites which are provided for convenience only. This website may be changed from time to time.
RoCan provides information for which is intended for general information only for educational purposes and is not seen to replace your medical professional's advice. RoCan is not in the business of providing professional advice and gives no warranty, guarantee or representation about the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or otherwise, of the information contained on the Website and/or linked sites. Your doctor should be consulted to obtain any treatment or advice for any medical treatment or advice.
We cannot examine or give you medical advice. Only medical professionals who examine you can provide medical advice or diagnose your medical problem. We do not intend to enter into a doctor/patient relationship. Your reliance on the information you read on this Website is only at your own risk. All reasonable care is taken to ensure that the information contained here is accurate at the time of publication.
To the full extent permitted by law, RoCan disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, regarding:
(a)the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or otherwise of any information contained or referred to on the Website and/or of any linked sites; and
(b) the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose for any service or product contained or referred to on theWebsite and/or on any linked sites.
RoCan will not be liable under any circumstances for any loss of profits or any damages of any kind recognised by law (even if it has been advised of the possibility of such loss of profits or damages) which are the consequence of you: acting, or failing to act, on any information contained on or referred to on the Website and/or any of the linked Websites; and using or acquiring, or your inability to use or acquire, any service or product contained or referred to on the Website and/or any linked sites.
RoCan does not warrant, guarantee or make any representation that any user of its services:
a) provided on the world wide web, (including its website and servers it uses) are free of software viruses;
RoCan is not liable to you for:
(a) viruses, errors or omissions in the Website, or linked sites on the world wide web; and
(b) defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any user of the Website, whether caused through negligence of RoCan, its employees or independent contractors, or through any other cause.
The Website user agrees guarantees to cover the cost of any repair required to its computer, and any delays due to the upgrade of or the alteration to its services.
Limitation of liability
The disclaimer clauses may not apply to you in jurisdictions in which limitations on or exclusions of warranties or liabilities are not permitted by law. To the full extent permitted by law, RoCan liability for any implied warranty or condition is limited, at the choice of RoCan, to one or more of the following:
a) If the breach of an implied warranty or condition relates to services, the supply of the services again; or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
.b) If the breach of an implied warranty or condition relates to goods: the replacement, repair of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods at the option of RoCan; or the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods, or having the goods repaired.
You will at all times indemnify and keep indemnified RoCan and its respective officers, employees and agents (in this clause referred to as those indemnified) from and against any loss (including reasonable legal costs and expenses) or liability incurred by any of those indemnified arising from any claim, demand, suit, action or proceeding by any person against any of those indemnified where such loss or liability arose out of, in connection with or in respect of any breach of this Agreement by you.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These conditions and all other specific and additional terms which govern your access to this website will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Victoria, Australia, and you acknowledge that you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria and any court hearing appeals from those courts.