Current Projects
Long Term Project
The current project of RoCan Ltd is to provide low-cost accommodation (and ancillary services) to cancer patients and their families/carers who need to travel longer distances to receive medical treatment.
RoCan Ltd is currently in discussions with a larger like-minded charity to support the construction of a new accommodation centre in Flemington Road near the Royal Women’s Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. This will enable RoCan Ltd to pool funds to create a larger state-of-the-art new facility within walking distance of the major cancer hospitals in Melbourne. This project will be endorsed by health authorities and will have full-time professional managers operating the facility.
Short Term Projects
This year the net profits from the 2024 Rocan charity bike ride are going to Ovarian Cancer Australia – in particular towards their program of providing clinical health services to ovarian cancer patients and their families via their helpline/telehealth program. So it doesn’t matter where you are in Australia, a patient can ring this service to get immediate access to doctors, phycologists, nurses, support workers.
For more information, contact